How To Create Masterful Works Of Art Using Banner Stands

Posted on: 6 May 2016

If you are a working artist who is attempting to sell your art, but customers seem to be passing you by at trade shows, maybe you need a new approach. One such approach is with the use of banner stands. Since banner stands typically hold up canvases with graphic designs on them anyway, using different types of stands to display and hang your work may be an effective tool for getting your work noticed. Here is how you can create and show your masterful works of art using banner stands.

Stretch a Large Canvas over a Ten Foot Hop Up Display

If you have always wanted to paint a larger than life painting, this is one way to do it. Attach your canvas to a ten foot, hop up banner stand. Then prime it and paint on it, performance piece-style, while onlookers watch what you are doing. Then the painting can hang and dry right on the hop up banner stand before you sell it to the highest bidder or the person who really wants it, whichever comes first.

Drop Down Finished Canvases on a Single-Pole Telescoping Stand

If you have a few finished canvases that you no longer have on stretcher bars, you can unfurl these canvases and hook them up to a telescoping stand. This type of banner stand has a single pedestal and pole which can be adjusted up or down to meet the length needs of the canvas you are attempting to display. Just be careful of the width of the canvas you are attempting to display with this type of stand because the display arm at the top has limited stretch.

Displaying and Working on Drawings Using a Twin-Leg Telescoping Banner Stand

A twin-leg telescoping banner stand has two feet that firmly plant your artwork to one place. The feet run perpendicular to whatever drawing or painting you place on the stand so that the stand and the artwork cannot be accidentally or easily shoved over. If you actually want to create and work on a drawing, you can attach the top and bottom ends of your canvas or paper to the horizontal display poles in this stand. Additionally, if you need a longer display space, this stand can telescope up several more inches as needed. It may help when you need to stretch the canvas just a little bit more to make it a tighter surface on which to paint.

To learn more, contact a company like Divine Signs Inc. 
