Do You Need Water Treatment Services?

Posted on: 24 October 2022

Water is essential to our everyday lives. We use it for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and drinking. It's hard to imagine life without it. But what happens when the water coming into your home isn't as clean as it should be? That's where water treatment services come in.

If you're not sure whether or not your home's water is up to par, here are five signs that you may need water treatment services.

When Your Water Has a Strange Odor

If your water smells funny, it could be a sign that it's contaminated. If you notice a sewage-like smell, that could indicate the presence of bacteria in your water. If you notice a chlorine smell, that means your municipality is using too much chlorine to disinfect your water. Either way, it's ideal to get your water tested by a professional to see if water treatment is necessary. 

When Your Water Has a Strange Color

If your water is anything other than crystal clear, it could be contaminated. Sometimes sediment can cause water to appear cloudy. Other times, iron or other minerals can cause water to appear yellow, red, or brown. Again, the best way to determine whether or not your water needs to be treated is to have it tested by a professional. 

When You Have Stains on Fixtures or Clothes

If you notice stains on fixtures like toilets and sinks or clothing after washing them in seemingly clean water, it could be a sign that your home's water contains high levels of iron. This type of contamination is fairly common and can often be remedied with a simple water softener system. 

When You Have Dry Skin or Frequently Experience Bouts of Itchiness

If the tap water flowing into your home contains high levels of chlorine, you may notice that your skin becomes dry and irritated after coming into contact with it. You may also find yourself itching more frequently than usual when showering or bathing in chlorinated water. A whole-house filtration system can help remove excess chlorine from your home's water supply and improve your skin health as a result. 

There's an Increase in Plumbing Problems 

If you start to experience an increase in clogged pipes or fixture malfunctions soon after moving into a new home or office building, chances are the building's plumbing isn't properly maintained—or worse, the municipal water supply contains high levels of minerals that are causing damage to the pipes. In either case, it would be wise to consult with a professional about having a reverse osmosis system installed. This type of system can help remove harmful minerals from your tap water, prolonging the life of your plumbing fixtures in the process. 

If you're not sure whether or not your home's tap water is safe to drink, contact a local water treatment professional for assistance. They will be able to test your tap water and recommend the best course of action based on their findings.
